Least Resistance Training Concepts
Wild Horse Mentors

Adopt a
Sheldon Wild Burro

"Checking out a volunteer"
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"Once you have a burro, you'll always have a burro."
The Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge is located in northwestern Nevada at the Oregon border, between Denio, NV and Lakeview, OR.

The Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge protects more than half a million acres of high desert habitat for large wintering herds of pronghorn antelope, scattered bands of bighorn sheep, and a rich assortment of other wildlife. The landscape is vast, rugged, and punctuated with waterfalls, narrow gorges, and lush springs among rolling hills and expansive tablelands of sagebrush and mountain mahogany.

Although established for the protection of wildlife and habitat, the refuge encompasses other interesting features. The remains of old homesteads and ranches intrigue visitors. The lure of fire opals draws miners and rock collectors to the Virgin Valley mining district. Geothermal hot springs create a refreshing oasis in the heart of the refuge. The refuge's mosaic of resources and public interests generates significant management challenges.

- Source: Recreation.gov

Male Sage Grouse
Image courtesy Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
Last Chance Ranch
Image courtesy Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge

Early Basque sheepherders and miners are the ones thought to have first introduced burros into the area. Poor range conditions outside the refuge and good conditions inside the refuge have led to rather substantial increases in the burro and horse populations there.

A number of horses and burros were set free or escaped when old homesteaders, ranchers and miners pulled up stakes. As a result significant herds of free-roaming horses and burros range the refuge. With insufficient natural predators to keep their numbers in check, these herds continually grow and the Fish and Wildlife Service occasionally traps excess animals. While not required by law to maintain or place these animals with adopters, the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge utilizes a network of volunteers and non-profit and private entities with which to place gathered animals in adoptive homes.

LRTC is one such participating organization. We expect to receive a shipment of some very fine burros on February 28, 2005 and they will be processed for adoption.

We expect to receive Jacks, Jenetts and Jennett and foal pairs. We will post details and images of these burros when they arrive.

For additional information please contact Shirley Allen, LRTC Adoption Program Manager, at shirley@whmentors.org or telephone 775.246.7636.

Adopters must meet minimum requirements including having corrals and shelters appropriate for holding a wild burro. In accordance with our agreement with FWS, titles for adopted burros are not issued until the adopter has properly cared for the animal for one year.

Check out the 2005 burros!

Last year's burros arriving
Some of the 2004 burros posing for a photo
Checking out volunteer Lavonne Hutting

How You Can Help

  • Adopt a Sheldon burro. (Young and mature burros are currently available.)

  • Provide "Foster care" burros awaiting adoption.

  • Donate to the Burro Gelding Project.

  • Donate equipment or corral panels.

  • Shop at on-line sites that pay us a commission.

Please click on a link for more information. If you are not close to northwestern Nevada, we will try to connect you with the participating adoption group closest to you.

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Least Resistance Training Concepts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational corporation based in Knightsen, California, with volunteers in thirty one states.