LRTC Information Sheet


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Dayton, NV
Lucky Lady, ID H503 and Little Lilly, ID H503A

After acquiring a number of Indian horse foals, some only a few days old, that had been stripped from their dams so that the mares could be shipped to slaughter, local horse advocates started raising somewhat of a stink over the practice. The state Dept. of Agriculture had investigated and warned various people that once these animals left the reservation that state animal safety standards would be enforced.

The groups have now been afforded the opportunity to acquire pairs at "meat prices," which they have done.

The photos below are of horses acquired by LRTC. The dun mare, Gracie, was ready to foal any day and the livestock consigners sensibly avoided shipping her off in such a state. The pinto colored mare and foal appeared to be a touch under weight but otherwise in healthy condition. Photos of the horses appear below.

Gracie, Lucky Lady and Little Lilly
Lucky Lady and Little Lilly
Going for a trot
Lady and Lilly will be adopted as a pair. Since we had to purchase them from the sale consignor, we will be charging a $900.00 adoption fee for the pair.

Lady and Lilly have been adopted!

To view the original story regarding the Fallon foals, please click here.

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