Least Resistance
Training Concepts
Wild Horse Mentors

Join LRTC!

Working with the Olympic mustangs
LRTC is one of a few "full spectrum" wild horse advocacy groups that has undertaken a variety of missions including general advocacy, educating the public, working with agencies to protect free-roaming horses and burros and their environments, facilitating adoptions, mentoring new adopters, responding to horse emergencies, conducting range rescues, rehabilitating injured and orphaned horses and more. There are many different functional areas that interested people can participate in and/or support.

There are a number of areas where members can help wild horses and burros:
  • Become a Wild Horse Mentor
    Provide peer support and guidance for new wild horse adopters.

  • Assist With Adoptions
    Volunteer at adoptions, assist with compliance checks, help promote adoptions.

  • Assist with Workshops and Clinics
    The workshops have many jobs that need to be filled.

  • Provide Emergency Foster Care
    Provide accommodations for horses recovered from problem adoptions and Virginia Range wild horses waiting to be adopted.

  • Provide Emergency Transportation
    Provide "emergency" transportation for adoption turnbacks and for Virginia Range horses needing movement from state corrals to Foster Care facilities

  • Volunteer for Specific Projects
    We continually get involved in wild horse related projects. Be a part of one!

  • Qualify for the Mounted Range Rescue Team
    Qualify as a Search and Rescue or Range Rescue mounted responder.

  • Qualify in Technical Large Animal Rescue
    Qualify to respond to technical large animal emergencies involving free-roaming horses and domestic livestock.

  • Serve on Committees
    Work with one of several standing committees that steer educational programs, the Virginia Range Adoption Program, fund raising, etc.

  • Just be a part of the organization
    This is an all volunteer organization so your dues and contributions go directly to support our programs and activities.
Wild Horse Workshops
The Lucky Horse Project
Demonstrating mustangs at Adoptions
Technical Rescues

Membership & Contribution Forms

Weanlings in Wild Horse Foster Care

What We Prevent

What We Preserve

Important notes:

The term "Mentor" refers to an individual who has qualified as a wild horse mentor and who will assist adopters of wild horses and burros when needed.

For safety reasons, some hands-on activities involving ungentled animals require prior experience or participation in LRTC or state recognized training programs to qualify.

Different BLM districts have different levels of involvement with volunteers as do other agencies that manage free-roaming horses and burros.

Some projects and programs are regionally oriented, or in the case of programs such as the Wild Horse Workshop, they may move about the country.

LRTC is a non-profit (charitable) corporation and its activities are bound by the rules of the IRS and states in which it operates.

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Check Out These Other Mentor Links

Album of Wild Horse Workshops

Project Scrap Book

Lucky Horse Rehab Project

Adopt a Virginia Range Wild Horse

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